Lesson 005: Sakura’s Spain Travel Journal

This is a sample from my new Premium Access section which I will begin on Sunday. I hope you like it.

Spain slow Spain fast


Spain slow Spain fast


大阪から までサンセバスチャンまでの移動は


日本語 English ひらがな
サクラのスペイン旅行記! Sakura’s Spain Travel Journal サクラ の スペイン りょこうき!
先週の週末からスペインのバスク地方に来ています since last weekend, I have been in the Basque region of Spain せんしゅう の しゅうまつ から スペイン の バスク ちほう に きています
サンセバスチャンという町に滞在しています I am staying in a town called San Sabastian サンセバスチャン という まち に たいざい しています
今回の旅 on this trip こんかい の たび
仕事ではなく、プライベートの旅行 it is not on business, but a private trip しごと ではなく、プライベート の りょこう
イスタンブール経由で by way of Istanbul イスタンブール けいゆ で
ビルバオという町 a city called Bilbao ビルバオ という まち
飛行機で移動しました traveled by airplane ひこうき で いどう しました
ビルバオ空港から from Bilbao Airport ビルバオ くうこう から
友達が迎えに来てくれました friends came to pick me up ともだち が むかえ に きてくれました
6年ぶりに友達に会えて、とても嬉しかったです was able to meet the friends for the first time in six years, and was very happy 6ねん ぶり に ともだち に あえて、とても うれしかった です
食べ物がとても美味しく the food is very delicious and… たべもの が とても おいしく
人はとても親切です the people are very friendly ひと は とても しんせつ です

click to start app
Use the audio player below to practice shadowing. “3X” means each phrase is repeated three times in a row to make it easy for you to get the hang of the pronunciation. For more on the “shadowing method” read the explanation below.


You are probably already very familiar with “repeating” in language classes. In repeating, after you hear a complete phrase, you repeat the phrase. However in shadowing, the learner begins to repeat as quickly as they hear the model speech. They follow the model speech like a shadow. Here are examples of repeating and shadowing expressed graphically.

exmple of shadowing

When shadowing, you should try to match the pronunciation and intonation as closely as possible. Also, it is said to work better when walking rather than sitting in one place.

As you practice using the shadowing technique you will notice improvement in pronunciation, intonation, comprehension, etc. It will also help you to remember and use vocabulary and grammar more quickly and skillfully.

Reviewing is also important. You should regularly go back and shadow previously done lessons. Eventually, you will be able to speak at almost the same rate as the model audio because you will have virtually memorized it.

Follow these tips, and you will definitely make progress.


Click on the link below to download the kanji practice sheet for this lesson.
LESSON 005 Kanji Practice

Kanji information used in this practice sheet comes from the KanjiVG project. The kanji data is copyright (C) Ulrich Apel 2009-2013 and is used under the terms of a Creative Commons license.

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since last weekend, I have been in the Basque region of Spain せんしゅう の しゅうまつ から スペイン の バスク ちほう に きています
I am staying in a town called San Sabastian サンセバスチャン という まち に たいざい しています
on this trip こんかい の たび
it is not on business, but a private trip しごと ではなく、プライベート の りょこう
by way of Istanbul イスタンブール けいゆ で
a city called Bilbao ビルバオ という まち
traveled by airplane ひこうき で いどう しました
from Bilbao Airport ビルバオ くうこう から
friends came to pick me up ともだち が むかえ に きてくれました
was able to meet the friends for the first time in six years, and was very happy 6ねん ぶり に ともだち に あえて、とても うれしかった です
the food is very delicious and…たべもの が とても おいしく
the people are very friendly ひと は とても しんせつ です

10 Responses

  1. I really enjoyed the sample premium content, admire the work that you’re doing as a one-woman operation, and like the podcast. As a solo language student, it has been a huge benefit.

    How often will you be doing premium content lessons? Looking forward to subscribing.


    1. Thank you for your nice comment. I put up one new lesson every Sunday. Tomorrow will be my 19th lesson!

  2. I like the new content, especially the shadow player. I am looking forward to finding out more about how the premium access section will work.

    1. I am glad you enjoyed the shadow player. It’s my own original.

      I will have all that info ready on Sunday, if all goes well.

      1. Hi Sakura,

        I have a question about the new format.

        You previously (last Tuesday, I think) wrote “Please be assured that the free content on this site will not be altered in any way. I will continue to post articles in the same style as always.”

        But it seems that this is not to be the case. It looks like all the content on this site has now become “Premium Content”. If all the content is premium then what is the standard content?

        1. I think you may be confused because I posted 6 premium content articles at once. if someone looks at the list of recent articles they will only see premium content articles on top. If you go to “All Post” at the bottom of the page you can easily scroll through all previous articles. Also they can be accessed through the “Archive” and “Categories” on the sidebar. My next article will appear as promised tonight.

          I hope this helps.

          1. My apologies.

            You are right, I was confused by the posting of the 6 premium articles. It is my mistake.