サクラの台湾旅行記 No.1

Taiwan 2

Taiwan 1 slow Taiwan 1 fast


お寺に行った後、ので、ルーローファン(Minced pork rice)を食べました。


日本語 English ひらがな
サクラの台湾旅行記 No.1 Sakura’s Taiwan Travel Journal I サクラ の たいわん りょこうき No.1
先週末に last weekend せんしゅうまつ に
会社の社員旅行 company employee trip かいしゃ の しゃいんりょこう 
2泊3日の台湾旅行に行ってきました went to Taiwan trip for two nights and three days 2はく3か の たいわん りょこう に いってきました
今回初めて this time for the first time こんかい はじめて
1日目は、龍山寺(りゅうざんじ)という台湾で一番古いお寺に行きました on the first day, I went to a temple called Ryuzanji (in Japanese) which is the oldest temple in Taiwan 1にちめ は、りゅうざんじ と いう たいわん で いちばん ふるい おてら に いきました
小腹がすいた  felt a bit peckish こばら が すいた 
台湾人がオススメしてくれた (that) a Taiwanese person recommend to us たいわんじん が オススメ してくれた
安くてすごく美味しかったです was cheap and really delicious やすくて すごく おいしかった です
豪華な台湾料理を食べに行きました went to have luxurious Chinese food ごうか な たいわん りょうり を たべ に いきました
お腹いっぱいになるまでたくさん食べた後は after eating so much that our stomachs became stuffed おなか いっぱい に なるまで たくさん たべた あと は
足裏マッサージ a foot sole massage あしうら マッサージ
とても気持ちよかった felt very good とても きもちよかった


last weekend せんしゅうまつ に
company employee trip かいしゃ の しゃいんりょこう 
went to Taiwan trip for two nights and three days 2はく3か の たいわん りょこう に いってきました
this time for the first time こんかい はじめて
on the first day, I went to a temple called Ryuzanji (in Japanese) which is the oldest temple in Taiwan 1にちめ は、りゅうざんじ と いう たいわん で いちばん ふるい おてら に いきました
felt a bit puckish こばら が すいた
(that) a Taiwanese person recommend to us たいわんじん が オススメ してくれた
was cheap and really delicious やすくて すごく おいしかった です
went to have luxurious Chinese food ごうか な たいわん りょうり を たべ に いきました
after eating so much that our stomachs became stuffed おなか いっぱい に なるまで たくさん たべた あと は
a foot sole massage あしうら マッサージ
felt very good とても きもちよかった

10 Responses

  1. I just found this site. It’s great. My achilles’s heel is listening and I want to practice it as much as possible. Thank you

  2. さくら先生
    I think that the site is perfect as it is now.
    Please, don’t change anything.
    Keep up the good work!

  3. This site is very helpful for learning Japanese for beginners. However, if you could add English translation above or below the Japanese text then it would be wonderful. It will help foreigners to understand what is being said.

    I know that pop-ups contain the English translation, but for the pop-ups we need to move mouse pointer over the text, which is not convenient.

    1. My philosophy is that it is better to not rely on the English too much. First, the learner should try very hard to comprehend the text without the translation. The translation is just there as a last resort. Good luck with your studies!

      1. I like the translations just the way they are. Great stuff — でも、勉強する時間がないよ!すごく忙しいので。 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  4. Thanks for hardwork Sakura-san 😀

    could you do me a favor?, could you make a english translation for whole paragraph?

    1. I am afraid that if I translate the whole article I would make my translations less like the original Japanese. My translations tend to be very literal and straight to reveal the structure of the Japanese. I am thinking about translating more phrases in each article, but I am getting so busy these days I can’t make any promises. Thanks for your input.