This contributor to the site talks about what it is like to drive in Japan. Learn some important vocabulary and language involved with driving–especially some that are unique to driving in Japan. This lesson is open to all users. Please enjoy!
Driving in Japan
Nihon de no Unten
In Japanese cities, it is easy to get lost while driving.
Nihon no toshi de wa, unten-chū ni maigo ni nariyasui desu.
The road layout is not good.
Dōro no haichi ga yoku arimasen.
When driving in unfamiliar areas,
Shiranai chiiki wo unten shite iru to,
you often end up at dead ends.
ikidomari ni naru koto ga yoku arimasu.
Without a navigation system in the car, it is almost impossible to find your way.
Kuruma ni nabi ga nai to, michi wo mitsukeru no wa hobo fukanō desu.
Nowadays, Google Maps is convenient.
Genzai de wa, Google Mappu ga benri desu.
However, even when using Google Maps, you sometimes get lost.
Shikashi, Google Mappu wo tsukatte ite mo, tokidoki maigo ni narimasu.
Google Maps gets confused,
Google Mappu ga konran shite,
and you don’t know which direction to go.
dono hōkō ni iku beki ka wakaranaku naru no desu.
For example, compared to driving in America,
Tatoeba, Amerika de no unten to kurabete mo,
driving in Japan is much more difficult.
Nihon de no unten wa haruka ni muzukashii desu.
In the countryside, there are often small ditches on the side of the road.
Inaka de wa, dōro no waki ni chiisa na mizo ga yoku arimasu.
These ditches are about the size of a car tire.
Kono mizo wa kuruma no taiya hodo no ōkisa desu.
If you accidentally drive into a ditch, your car will be damaged.
Ayamatte mizo ni hairu to, kuruma ga kowarete shimaimasu.
There is even a special term for such accidents.
Kono yō na jiko ni wa tokubetsu na yōgo sae arimasu.
It is called “datsurin” (going off the shoulder).
Sore wa “datsurin” to yobaretei masu.
Mountain roads are quite narrow and winding.
Yamamichi wa kanari semaku, magarikunete imasu.
So, it requires a lot of nerve.
Desu kara, kanari shinkei wo tsukaimasu.
Skill is needed.
Gijutsu ga hitsuyō desu.
Once you become good at driving in Japan,
Nihon de jōzu ni unten dekiru yō ni naru to,
you might find it easier to drive in foreign countries.
gaikoku de wa unten shiyasuku kanjiru kamo shiremasen.

日本語 | English | ひらがな |
迷子 | get lost | まいご |
混乱して | confused | こんらんして |
方向 | direction | ほうこう |
例えば | for example | たとえば |
運転 | driving | うんてん |
比べて | compared | くらべて |
難しい | difficult | むずかしい |
田舎で | in the countryside side | いなか で |
道路の脇 | on the should of the road | どうろ の わき |
溝 | ditch | みぞ |
誤って | accidentally | あやまって |
壊れて | break | こわれて |
事故 | accident | じこ |
特別な用語 | special term | とくべつなようご |
脱輪 | skid off, wheel comes off, derail | だつりん |
狭く | narrow | せまく |
曲がりくねっています | winding | まがりくねっています |
神経を使います | nerve-wracking | しんけい を つかいます |
技術 | skill | ぎじゅつ |
必要 | required | ひつよう |
上手 | skill | じょうず |
外国 | foreign country | がいこく |
感じる | feel | かんじる |
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