If you’re a cyclist or even if your not a cyclist, here is a great recommendation from a contributor about a wonderful cycling location in western Japan. I have always wanted to go see it for myself. This may have convinced me to actually go. I hope enjoy it too.

By the way, this one is open to all users of the site.


日本でのサイクリング 1
Cycling in Japan 1
Nihon de no Saikuringu 1

I would like to introduce two wonderful cycling destinations in Japan.
Saikuringu no subarashii mokuteki-chi wo futatsu shōkai shitai to omoimasu.
The first place is the Shimanami Kaido.
Saisho no basho wa, Shimanami Kaidō desu.

Between Hiroshima Prefecture and Ehime Prefecture, several islands are connected by bridges.
Hiroshima-ken to Ehime-ken no aida ni wa, ikutsuka no shimajima ga hashi de musubareteimasu.
This is a beautiful cycling route that passes through these bridges and islands.
Korera no hashi ya shimajima wo tōru utsukushii saikuringu rūto desu.
On this route, you can see the sea and many small towns.
Kono rūto de wa, umi ya ōku no chiisana machi wo miru koto ga dekimasu.
It is about 70 kilometers long, with many places to rest and eat.
Zenchō yaku nanajū kiromētoru de, kyūkei ya shokuji ga dekiru basho ga takusan arimasu.

The best part is that there are lanes dedicated to cyclists, making it very safe.
Mottomo yoi ten wa, saikurisuto sen’yō no rēn ga aru tame, hijō ni anzen de aru koto desu.
It is perfect for enjoying the scenery and is suitable for all skill levels.
Keshiki wo tanoshimu saikuringu ni saiteki de, subete no sukiru reberu ni tekishiteimasu.

日本語 English ひらがな
素晴らしい目的地 great destinations すばらしい もくてきち
紹介 introduction しょうかい
最初 first さいしょ
場所 location ばしょ
海道 sea route かいどう
広島県 Hiroshima Prefecture ひろしまけん
愛媛県 Ehime Prefecture えひめけん
between あいだ
島々 islands しまじま
橋で結ばれています connected by bridges はし で むすばれて います
通る pass through とおる
美しい beautiful うつくしい
the sea うみ
多くの小さな町 many small towns おおくの ちいさな まち
全長 total length ぜんちょう
approximately やく
休憩 a rest きゅうけい
食事 a meal しょくじ
最も良い点 the best part もっとも よい てん
専用のレーン dedicated lanes せんよう の れーん
非常に安全 very safe ひじょう に あんぜん
景色 the view けしき
楽しむ enjoy たのしむ
最適 optimal さいてき
スキルレベルに適しています suitable for all skill levels すきる れべる に てきしています


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