Onomatopoeia (オノマトペ) Part 1

Today, I am breaking from my usual format because I thought this would be a better way to introduce these concepts to you. I hope you find this material useful and entertaining.

Onomatopoeia (オノマトペ) are words that represent sounds, and they are used in many languages to add more depth and texture to speech. However, Japanese onomatopoeia are unique in that they’re used more frequently and in a wider variety of contexts than in other languages. For example, after mopping and waxing a floor, you might say “pika pika” in Japanese to describe how shiny and clean it looks. A fluffy dog would be described as “fuwa fuwa” and the sound of a door being slammed as “batan.” Japanese relies on these flavoring words to express different nuances.

Take the previous example of “batan.” In English, speakers would use a different verb, “slam,” to express this meaning. However, Japanese uses “batan” in combination with the more generic verb “shimeru” (to close) to achieve the same nuance. Therefore, “I slammed the door” would be translated as “私はドアをバタンと閉めた。” in Japanese.

These are just a few examples of how onomatopoeia are used in everyday Japanese conversation. In Part 2 I will go into a little more depth about the various categories of ononatopoeia and how they are used in Japanese.

How many onomatopoeia do you already know? Try taking the quizzes below to test your knowledge. Have fun!

Onomatopoeia (オノマトペ) Part 1

Today, I didn’t go to school and wandered around the city.
Kyou wa gakkou ni ikazu, machi wo burabura shita.
Suddenly, it started pouring rain and I got completely drenched.
Totsuzen ame ga zaa zaa futte kite, zenshin bisho bisho ni natta.
I got home and while I was munching on some snacks and watching TV, I was laughing out loud, and I was griped at by my mother.
Ie ni kaette, okashi wo mogu mogu tabenagara, terebi wo mite geragera waratte itara, hahaoya ni gamigami shikarareta.
My English teacher is very strict.
Eigo no sensei wa totemo kibishii.
I always get scolded, but I didn’t worry too much and worked hard.
Itsumo okorareru ga, watashi wa kuyokuyo sezu, benkyou wo ganbatta.
I’m tired and exhausted every day.
Tsukarete mainichi kutakuta da.
However, I’ve gradually become able to speak English fluently.
Shikashi, sukoshi zutsu eigo wo surasura hanaseru you ni natta.
Next year, I’m planning to study abroad in Australia.
Rainen wa Oosutoraria ni ryuugaku suru yotei da.
Now, I am excited
Ima kara wakuwaku shite iru.

日本語 English ひらがな
town まち
ぶらぶらした wandered around, walk around aimlessly ぶらぶら した
突然 suddenly とつぜん
雨がザーザー降ってきて It was pouring down rain. あめ が ザーザー ふってきて
全身びしょびしょになった I was soaked all over ぜんしん びしょびしょ に なった
お菓子 snacks おかし
もぐもぐ食べながら while I was munching on … もぐもぐ たべながら
げらげら笑っていたら was laughing my head off げらげら わらっていたら
がみがみ叱られた was scolded, was griped at がみがみ しかられた
厳しい strict きびしい
怒られる was scolded おこられる
くよくよせず didn’t worry about it くよくよ せず
勉強を頑張った studied hard べんきょう お がんばった
疲れて was tired つかれて
くたくた exhausted くたくた
すらすら話せるようになった became able to speak fluently すらすら はなせる よう に なった
留学する予定だ plan to study abroad りゅうがく する よていだ
わくわくしている I am excited わくわく している