Onomatopoeia (オノマトペ) Part 2

In Japanese, Onomatopoeia can be divided into a few categories; they are called giseigo (擬声語), giongo (擬音語), gitaigo (擬態語), giyougo (擬容語) and gijougo (擬情語). As we learned in the previous episode, they are used to describe sounds made by animals, humans, and inanimate objects, as well as to express feelings, emotions, and movements.

Here are the five categories of onomatopoeia in Japanese:

1. Giseigo (擬声語): These are words that imitate sounds made by living things like animals and humans. For example:

– ワンワン (wan wan) – woof woof
– ニャーニャー (nya nya) – meow meow
– ゴロゴロ (goro goro) – purr purr

2. Giongo (擬音語): These are words that imitate sounds made by inanimate objects and nature. For example:

– ズキューン (zukyūn) – zoom
– ガチャン (gachan) – clank
– ピチピチ (pichi pichi) – sizzle

3. Gitaigo (擬態語): These are words that describe conditions and states. For example:

– キラキラ (kira kira) – sparkling
– ウキウキ (uki uki) – excited
– ドキドキ (doki doki) – nervous

4. Giyougo (擬容語): These are words that describe movements and motions. For example:

– グルグル (guru guru) – spinning around
– ピョンピョン (pyon pyon) – hopping
– バタバタ (bata bata) – flapping

5. Gijougo (擬情語): These are words that describe feelings and emotions. For example:

– ウキウキする (uki uki suru) – feeling excited
– キュンとする (kyun to suru) – feeling a tightness in your chest
– ドキドキする (doki doki suru) – feeling nervous

Here are some more quizzes to test and sharpen your knowledge of Japanese onomatopoeia.

Onomatopoeia (オノマトペ) Part 2

My handsome boyfriend is popular with girls.
Hansamuna kare wa, joshi kara motemote da.
He also works out and is very muscular.
Mata, karada wo kitaete iru node, kinniku mukimuki da.
Today, I went on a date with him to an amusement park.
Kyō wa kare to yūenchi ni dēto ni itta.
I was so happy and excited from the morning.
Ureshikute, asa kara ukiuki shite ita.
The roller coaster was so high that I was nervous.
Jettokōsutā wa, amari no takasa ni harahara shita.
When we entered the haunted house, I was scared and shaking.
Obake yashiki ni hairuto, kowakute gatagata to furueta.
But my heart was pounding all the way with a handsome guy next to me.
Demo, ikemen no kare ga tonari ni ite, mune wa zutto dokidoki shite ita.
With Japan’s high humidity, it is very damp.
Nippon wa shitsudo ga takai node, jimejime shite iru.
It is especially hot in the summer, and I drip sweat.
Tokuni natsu wa atsukute, ase ga daradara dete kuru.
When I run, it makes my head dizzy.
Ranningu wo suruto, atama ga kurakura suru.
When I finish running, I am so thirsty that I always gulp down a glass of water.
Hashiriowaru to, nodo ga karakara ni kawaite, watashi wa itsumo mizu wo gabugabu nomu no ga nikka da.

日本語 English ひらがな
he, boyfriend かれ
女子からモテモテ popular with girls じょし から もてもて
体を鍛えている training (his) body からだ を きたえている
筋肉 muscle きんにく
ムキムキ muscular むきむき
遊園地 amusement park ゆうえんち
嬉しくて happy and… うれしくて
ウキウキしていた was excited うきうき していた
高さにハラハラした was nervous about the height たか さ に ぱらぱら した
お化け屋敷 haunted house おばけ やしき
恐くて scared and… こわくて
ガタガタと震えた trembled violently がたがた と ふるえた
イケメン handsome guy いけめん
隣に next to となり に
chest むね
ドキドキしていた my heart was pounding どきどき していた
湿度が高い humid, high humidity しつど が たかい
じめじめしている it’s damp じめじめ している
特に especially とくに
暑くて hot and… あつくて
sweat あせ
だらだら出てくる comes out profusely だらだら でてくる
head あたま
くらくらする feel dizzy くらくら する
走り終わる finish running はしりおわる
throat のど
からから empty からから
渇いて thirsty かわいて
がぶがぶ飲む gulp down がぶがぶ のむ
日課 daily routine にっか

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