This episode will help you get some really useful practice with the passive forms of Japanese, which we tend to use more than in English.

What a Terrible Day!
Hidoi ichinichi deshita!
I am having a bad day.
kyō wa tsuiteimasen.
It was terrible since this morning.
kesa kara taihen deshita.
First, I overslept and was woken up by my mother.
mazu, nebō shite, hahaoya ni okosaremashita.
I ran to the station and was chased by a dog.
eki made hashitte ittara, inu ni oikakeraremashita.
The train was crowded and my foot was stepped on.
densha wa konde ite, ashi wo fumaremashita.
It hurt a lot.
totemo itakatta desu.
When I screamed in pain, everyone on the train stared at me.
itami de sakendara, densha no naka no minna ni jirojiro miraremashita.
It was so embarrassing.
hazukashikatta desu.
When I got to the classroom, my usual seat was taken.
kyōshitsu ni tsuitara, itsumo no seki ga torareteimashita.
I had to sit in the front.
mae no hō ni suwaranakereba narimasen deshita.
We were checking the homework and I was called on by the teacher, but I couldn’t answer.
shukudai no kotaeawase wo shite itara, sensei ni ateraremashita ga, kotaeraremasen deshita.
After school, when I was going home, I was approached by a strange man.
hōkago, ie ni kaerō to shitara, hen na otoko ni koe wo kakeraremashita.
He invited me to a movie, but I refused.
eiga ni sasowaremashita ga, kotowarimashita.
And then I was rained on on the way home.
soshite ie ni kaeru tochū ni ame ni furaremashita.
What a terrible day!
Hidoi ichinichi deshita!

日本語 English ひらがな
ひどい terrible ひどい
一日 one (whole) day いち にち
今日 today きょう
今朝 this morning けさ
大変 very bad たいへん
寝坊 overslept ねぼう
母親 mother ははおや
起こされました woke me up おこされました
駅まで走って行ったら I ran to the station えき まで はしって いったら
犬に追いかけられました was chased by a dog いぬ に おいかけられました
電車 train でんしゃ
混んでいて was crowded. こんで いて
足を踏まれました was stepped on あし を ふまれました
痛かった It hurt いたかった
痛みで叫んだら screamed in pain いたみ で さけんだら
じろじろ見られました was stared at じろじろ みられました
恥ずかしかった was so embarrassed. はずかしかった
教室に着いたら when I got to class きょうしつ に ついたら
いつもの席 my regular seat いつも の せき
取られていました had been taken とられて いました
前の方 in the front まえ の ほう
座らなければなりませんでした had to sit すわらなければ なりません でした
宿題の答え合わせ answering the homework questions, going over the homework しゅくだい の こたえあわせ
先生に当てられました was called on by the teacher せんせい に あてられました
答えられませんでした couldn’t answer こたえられません でした
放課後 after school ほうかご
家に帰ろうとしたら I was going home いえ に かえろう と したら
変な男 a strange man へん な おとこ
声をかけられました was approached by and talked to こえ を かけられました
映画 was asked to go to a movie えいが
誘われました was asked to, was invited to さそわれました
断りました said no, refused ことわりました
途中 on the way とちゅう
雨に降られました was rained on あめ に ふられました

How to make the passive form.

To put the verb into the passive form, take the negative form of the verb, remove the -ない and add -れる to u-verbs and -られる to ru-verbs.

u-verbs: きく→きかない→きかれる
ru-verbs: たべる→たべらない→たべられる

Try the quiz to test your knowledge of the passive form.

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