This is something a lot of us have to deal with–putting on weight too easily. Listen to this week’s contributor’s frustration with belly fat and learn the vocabulary associated with this kind of problem.

Belly Fat
Onaka no Shibou

No matter what I do, I can’t get rid of my belly fat.
Doushitatte, onaka no shibou ga ochimasen.
I ride my bike to work every day.
Mainichi jitensha de tsuukin shite imasu.
I ride about 50 kilometers a day.
Ichinichi ni yaku gojuu kiromeetoru hashitte imasu.
According to the fitness app I use, I burn about 1400 calories during commuting.
Tsukatte iru fittonesu apuri ni yoru to, tsuukinchuu ni yaku senyonhyaku karorii shouhi shite imasu.
With all this exercise, however, my appetite also increases.
Konna ni undou shite iru to, shokuyoku mo fuemasu.
I eat a lot more than I used to.
Mukashi yori mo zutto taberu you ni narimashita.
And I seem to have more cravings for sweets.
Soshite, amai mono ga hoshiku naru koto mo ooku narimashita.
Nowadays I eat sweets in the morning.
Saikin wa asa kara okashi wo tabete shimaimasu.
And after dinner, I drink a cup of coffee and eat a snack.
Yuushokugo ni wa koohii wo ippai nonde, oyatsu wo tabemasu.
I have, however, cut back on my alcohol consumption.
Osake no nomikata wa, sukoshi hikaeru you ni narimashita.
I now only drink beer or sake on weekends.
Ima wa shuumatsu dake biiru ya nihonshu wo nomimasu.
I really need to cut back on the sweets.
Okashi wa hontou ni hikaenai to ikemasen.
I think I need to go on a diet.
Daietto shinai to ikenai to omoimasu.

日本語 English ひらがな
お腹 belly おなか
脂肪 fat しぼう
落ちません won’t come off, doesn’t drop おちません
毎日 every day まいにち
自転車 bicycle じてんしゃ
通勤 commute つうきん
一日 per day いち にち
about やく
走っています running はしっています
通勤中 during (my) commute つうきん ちゅう
消費 consumption しょうひ
運動 exercise うんどう
食欲 appetite しょくよく
増えます increases ふえます
in the past むかし
食べるようになりました came to eat たべる よう に なりました
甘い sweet あまい
欲しくなる crave, come to want ほしく なる
多くなりました increased おうく なりました
最近 lately さいきん
morning あさ
お菓子 sweets おかし
食べてしまいます end up eating たべてしまいます
夕食後 after dinner ゆうしょく ご
一杯 one drink. いち はい
飲んで to drink のんで
おやつ snack お やつ
お酒 alcohol お さけ
飲み方 way of drinking のみ かた
控えるようになりました I’ve started to cut back on ひかえる よう に なりました
週末 weekend しゅうまつ
日本酒 sake にっぽんしゅ
お菓子 sweets おかし
控えないといけません I have to refrain from ひかえないといけません

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5 Responses

  1. The vocabulary and sentence structures, particularly ようになりました and 多くなりました, are very useful for me right now. The content is also distressingly relevant. (⋟﹏⋞)

    1. I am happy to hear you are finding these lessons useful. Your comment “distressingly relevant” cracked me up.

  2. Is there a problem with the audio for this lesson?
    On PC, I get an “Error: 404 Not Found” message when I click on audio download link.
    On iPad, there is no icon showing for audio download link.

    1. Thanks for the feedback! I think I may have accidentally deleted it yesterday when I was uploading another file. I believe it should be OK now. You may have to reload it a few times to get it to play. If that doesn’t work you will need to clear your cache or view it in a different browser. Sorry for the inconvenience.

